Essential oils to supercharge your manifesting magic
New Year has always been a powerful portal into manifesting magic. We can see evidence of that even in the remaining traditions of setting ‘resolutions’ that run through our mainstream culture - but many ancient wisdom bodies also have revered this time of year as a symbol of a ‘fresh start’, where people engaged in magical ritual. Whilst I’m actually not a fan of the kind of mundane-feeling ‘resolutions’ that commonly have us in a ‘yang’ way of ‘pushing’ and ‘forcing’ - oh how exhausting after a busy festive season - I am a fan of magical creation - aka ‘manifestation’.
‘Magic’ is really defined as the ability to ‘transform’ - and offers us a way of creating change in a more ‘yin’ (feminine) way. What I mean by that is, ‘magic’ is a co-creation between our human selves and the natural wisdom of life (which we could say maps to essential oils, which are borne from the natural wisdom of plants). In more simple terms, we have the capacity to set heart-led intentions - and then allow that intention to unfold, following aligned actions that open up from setting our focus this way.
Not only that, but essential oils can help us super-power this magical creation, as we enter New Year – so I’m going to share a ritual for you to supercharge your January so that you can enter 2025 powerfully.
Manifestation and its ‘myth’
What is ‘manifestation’? Firstly, it’s helpful to know that manifestation really just means bringing something into reality. It’s the process by which we take our heart’s big dreams and bring them to life in a tangible form. So, when we talk about what we want to manifest this year, it’s really about what we want to ‘create’.
What’s important to know is that there is a common ‘myth’ of manifestation. Commonly, manifestation teachers share a misunderstanding that we have to ‘do something’ to create magic - grounded in the ideas of more push, force, hustle. And whilst there are ‘soul aligned actions’ to take, what is important to know is that we are already manifesting all of the time. Magic is not about needing to make a pretty vision board or make a list of wishes - though those things can be fun and helpful as a way of setting our focus - it’s about seeing that we are already the powerful creators of our lives, all of the time. We are even (innocently) creating the stuff we deem as ‘bad’ - largely unconsciously because of childhood wounding - which we have to have compassion for ourselves over. I’m not going to get into that here, other than to share that this is why I will offer a ‘release’ of what we ‘don’t want’ as part of this ritual - but it’s worth knowing because even when we think we aren’t creating magic, we are.
How to start 2025 powerfully
We’re not used to a more ‘magical’ way of creating in our culture. So, what is helpful to know is that magic is created by attuning to our hearts and what our deeper, true wants are - beyond all our logical ‘shoulds’. It’s so tempting to create new year resolutions according to what we ‘think’ we should be doing, but this often leaves us demotivated, depressed and beating ourselves up for ‘failing’.
Instead, to enter the new year powerfully, the following ritual will help you to tune into your heart and soul and see what magic you long to manifest this year - and act as a focus point to help you hold that vision. This vision will be an anchor point to your heart, for you to keep coming back to when you’re doubting yourself or fearing the impossibility of what you want to create (which is all part of the path!).
I recommend you enter this sacred visioning ritual with the intention of tuning into what’s deeper than your mind - to enter your heart and see what’s really there, beyond what you think you ‘should’ be creating, and with the intention of not beating yourself up about your ‘progress’ (which is what we are conditioned into prioritising in our culture). For example, you might be tempted to say “I’m going to earn more money this year” - but I’m inviting you to go deeper and ask: “what’s in my heart?”. What is it that money represents for you, or you sense it would offer you? Is it more connection, for example?
Top 10 essential oils to help us harness our magic
Here are my Top 10 ‘Manifestation’ oils to use during our magical visioning ritual:
- Clary Sage - a musky, bittersweet floral, this oil helps you ‘see’ more deeply and get clarity on what you truly want
- Rose - a feminine, sweet floral oil, this helps you access your heart and emotions
- Jasmine - a sweet, exotic oil, helps you soften and attune to your feminine
- Myrrh - a woody, herby aroma, Myrrh helps you connect to your inner wisdom
- Frankincense - a woody, spicy aroma, this oil helps you ground into your body and connect to wisdom
- Sandalwood - a soft, woody aroma, this peaceful oil helps you feel stable and grounded
- Patchouli - a musky-sweet, herby aroma, this one helps you to release negative thoughts, emotions and wounds
- Peppermint - a fresh, minty, stimulating oil, Peppermint helps us feel inspired into aligned-actions
- Lemon - a fresh, citrusy oil, this helps us stay energised around our heart’s dreams
- Rosemary - helps us stay focused when we doubt our heart’s vision
2025 ‘Magical Manifestation’ Ritual
Here’s a ritual to work with this January:
Create your space:
Before you enter this process, make sure you have the oils you need, carve out time and space to be in this journey and create a comfortable environment for yourself that’s undisturbed (perhaps with blankets, candles, music). You’ll likely need an hour and a half to engage fully with this process.
Open your heart:
The next step is to get into an embodied sense of heart-opening. To do this, spend 15 minutes working with a blend that can help you soften your body, connect to spirit and open your heart to see more of your dreams and heart’s longings for 2025.
Heart-Opening Blend: mix 3 drops Rose, 2 drops Clary Sage and 1 drop Myrrh into 15ml of Sweet Almond carrier oil. Apply this heart-opening blend to your chest, over your heart space, whilst setting the intention to enter ritual and see all that wants to be seen about your soul’s bigger dreams. This is an invitation to drop your walls, forget what feels ‘logical’ or ‘impossible’ and open your heart to feeling your true, deeper soul longings and dreams for 2025.
Wild wander:
When you’ve done this, go outside into nature for a ‘wild wander’ of at least 30 minutes. Ask yourself the following question and let it reveal whatever wants to be revealed (you may even be surprised by what arises, let that be okay):
Question: What does my heart long for? What do I want to create in 2025 and beyond?
Sniffy Stick Blend: You might like to take a sniffy stick with you, with 2 drops of Rose oil on a cotton pad, rolled up inside an aromatherapy inhalator.
When you are home, spend 15 minutes journaling on what key things were revealed around your heart’s vision and ground them into your body. Notice how you feel about them - perhaps they feel scary, impossible or big. Let those emotions be there and allow yourself to just feel your heart’s longings.
Journaling Diffusion Blend: whilst you are journaling, supercharge this part of the practice by mixing 3 drops Frankincense, 2 drops Sandalwood, and 1 drop Jasmine into some water in an electrical diffuser or candle-burner and allowing them to infuse their soft, grounding energy into the room, connecting your vision into your body.
Distill Aligned-Actions:
When your vision is completely distilled, notice if there are any small, next step ‘aligned-actions’ that immediately come to mind. Don’t force this, it might be that nothing occurs to you immediately - but something might be revealed by holding the intention - Lemon is a great oil to help you refocus, so this might be a step you can periodically come back to, perhaps once a week or once a month, to check in on.
Rollerball Blend: you might like to give yourself a little ‘Lemon’ boost for this and make a rollerball for your pulse points. Mix 2 drops Lemon into 10ml Grapeseed carrier oil in a small rollette bottle and roll onto your temples and wrists as desired.
This might be the end of your ritual for now, but there’s one extra step to help you when you doubt your possibility to manifest a more magical life. It’s normal, when we get in touch with our heart’s deeper visions, to feel fear arise. So, when we begin to doubt our vision, it’s time to notice what wants to be released.
Each month, at full moon, you might like to contemplate how aligned your vision feels, and what fear is in the way of you creating it, declaring that you are releasing this fear and re-choosing your vision. This is a place to love, so that you can consciously create what is in your heart.
Refocus Spritz: to support your refocusing in times of fear or doubt, create a spritz with 20 drops Patchouli, 5 drops Rosemary and 5 drops of Peppermint in 100ml of Orange Flower Hydrolat or water, in a spray bottle, and keep it in the fridge. Use this as needed when you’re doubting your big dreams.
Overall, the magical lens - which works in harmony with nature’s essential oils - offers us the chance to create our lives more from the heart. I wish you a year of manifesting all your dreams. Happy blending!
Nicole Barton
Consultant Aromatherapist
Read other articles by Nicole Barton