Important Trading Statement for Base Formula Ltd in China

Important Trading Statement for Base Formula Ltd in China

We would like to inform you that Base Formula Ltd is changing their trading name in mainland China to BF Aromatherapy. Due to Chinese law, Base Formula Ltd in the UK, is no longer able to use its own name within mainland China. This means that all genuine, UK manufactured Base Formula products in China will be sold under the new name, BF Aromatherapy. Rest assured that the Base Formula Ltd products that you know and love will not change and will continue to be supplied from the UK under the new BF Aromatherapy name. BF Aromatherapy products will still carry the usual product authentication (anti-fake) label for your reassurance. You can verify this through the website by following the instructions on the site.

In mainland China, any product labelled Base Formula Ltd or BF Aromatherapy but not carrying the anti-fake label may not be from the UK company Base Formula Ltd, and as such will not carry our guarantee of safety for their intended use.

If you have any questions, please contact our appointed Chinese distributor XIANGPIAOSIHAI (BEIJING) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LIMITED at to confirm our position or indeed you are very welcome to contact myself directly at

Base Formula Ltd in the UK can only apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you and hope that you will continue to support the company through this challenging time.  We are in the process of developing new products for the Chinese market and look forward to a successful trading year with your support.

Chris Keating

Managing Director
Base Formula Ltd

Background History

Base Formula Ltd has been supplying natural aromatherapy products in the UK and internationally since 1996. In 2008 the company name was registered in China by a Mr LiuHongqiang.  Base Formula Ltd in the UK was not made aware of this until after ownership had been granted in April 2010. In order for Base Formula Ltd to continue to provide authentic product to a growing customer base in China we have had to rebrand all our products, website and reinvest in marketing our new name. Mr LiuHongqiang has now approached all Base Formula Ltd Taobao traders stating that the product with the name Base Formula is illegal.  As the new owner of the name Base Formula in China he has legal right to do this. Mr LiuHongqiang has not approached Base Formula Ltd in the UK to discuss product supply. Therefore future product traded under this name will NOT be the genuine product as supplied by Base Formula Ltd from the UK.

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