Q&A: Aromatherapy advice for broken bones?
Joannah Metcalfe
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Aromatherapy Q&A
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Q: I broke my ankle 6 weeks ago and have just had the cast removed. I damaged my ligaments and it's stiff, painful, and swollen. Are there any essential oils blends that will help speed my recovery?
A: So sorry to hear that you've had an accident. There are lots of things that you can do now to help stimulate your healing processes, and naturally reduce pain and inflammation. Here are my “top tips” for Breaks, Aches & Pains:
- First of all, if you've not done it already, take arnica pills (a homeopathic remedy for bruising and shock) for 1 week. Arnica cream is also excellent, and I would suggest alternating arnica cream application with your aromatherapy blend (see below).
- Aromatherapy can be useful to help ease pain and inflammation, whilst stimulating your circulation to help heal the area more efficiently. Massage in the following oil with upward strokes towards the heart and apply 2-3 times daily: 10ml Neem oil, 40ml Olive oil, 20 drops Plai, 20 Lavender, 5 drops German Chamomile and 5 Cypress.
- Infused oil of Comfrey has been used in traditional medicine for fractures and sprains. It was once commonly called 'Knitbone' because of its amazing ability to heal broken bones and “knit” them back together again. It can also be helpful for older, troublesome injuries that are causing pain and restricting mobility.
- Take regular foot baths - if you have a foot spa this would be perfect – add 1 cup Dead Sea Salt, 10 drops Lavender, 2 German Chamomile and 1 Eucalyptus.
- Call BioCare's Helpline on 0121 433 8702 for supplement advice. There are several combinations I would suggest but I don't know your age or general health – so you'll need to check with them first. They do an excellent range of nutrient/herbal combinations - look at CT 241- Ligazyme and Curcumen Plus – to help stimulate your body's healing potential and reduce inflammation.
- I would also consider having some regular healing on the area - such as Reiki, to help ease the pain and release shock and tension in general.
- Traditional Chinese acupuncture could be helpful if all of these options do not show a significant improvement within the next 6-8 weeks.
Best of luck and do come back to us if you need to!
Joannah Metcalfe
Consultant Aromatherapist