Aromatherapy A-Z
Aromatherapy essential oils for anxiety & anxious thoughts
Aromatherapy is excellent for bringing us back to balance. Read how essential oils can help soothe anxiety and anxious thinking, and support us in realigning with our truthful mental health.
Aromatherapy essential oils and asthma
Essential oils with anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, nervine and sedative properties can be helpful if used as a preventative measure against asthma. Massage may also help improve lung function and reduce anxiety.
Aromatherapy essential oils for rheumatism / arthritis
Although aromatherapy can’t cure osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis it can help ease symptoms and even control its progression by easing pain and inflammation, supporting detoxification and aiding relaxation.
Aromatherapy essential oils for boosting libido (sex drive)
Libido - sexual desire or sex drive - is one of those things that many men and women struggle with. Learn which aphrodisiac essential oils can help to stimulate sexual desire and support those suffering with frigidity or impotence.
Aromatherapy essential oils for stress relief
Millions of people in the UK experience high levels of stress that can be damaging to both mental and physical health. Learn how aromatherapy essential oils can be used to relieve stress and aid relaxation.
Aromatherapy essential oils for hay fever
Allergy season is in full swing! If you are one of the ‘one in five’ unlucky sufferers of hay fever, then do not fear this year; read on our blog to find out how essential oils can bring some natural aromatic relief.
Aromatherapy essential oils and pregnancy
Using essential oils during pregnancy can be a bit of a minefield, and it is really important to get it right. This article will advise you on how to use essential oils properly and safely throughout your pregnancy.
Aromatherapy essential oils for post-operative care
Prior to having a minor operation, I was keen to discover which essential oils could be used perioperatively i.e. during the three phases of surgery - pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative.
Aromatherapy essential oils and Lupus
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can impact on all the bodies systems and effect multiple organs including the skin, kidneys, heart, eyes, muscles and joints. Read our blog for how essential oils can help!
Aromatherapy essential oils for palliative care
Aromatherapy can provide profoundly helpful relief and support for both palliative patients and carers during end stages of life. Learn how essential oils can help ease physical and emotional symptoms and improve quality of life.